Friday, July 6, 2012

Changing our world

  Photo Credit: Cea.

The idea we were left with from Wednesday's sermon notes is that it starts with us.  It starts in our house and with our family.  It starts in our churches and with our communities.  When you look at the problems that our nation faces, it seems overwhelming.  When you see the problems our nation is causing and/or not fixing in the world, it is overwhelming.  How can we change these things?  How can we here in Hickory, NC change human trafficking in the world?  How can we here in Hickory, NC heal the wounds caused by war?  How can we here in Hickory, NC make people realize how much they really matter?  How can we here in Hickory, NC help people make better decisions?

Start with you!

Take time out of your day to be quiet with God.  Pray.  Read your Bible.  Journal.  Whatever will get you quiet and focused on God.  You need to find who He is to you and who He should be to you.  You need to find out who you think you are and who he thinks you are.  You can not possibly change the world without God directing your life and working through your life.  You can't change your house, your family, your church, or your community if you don't change yourself first.

As Christians we need to be regularly evaluating our relationship with God and evaluating who he has called us to be.  If we are holding on to old pain, old guilt, old anger, old success, or a number of other things, we have no room for new to come in.  We have no room for the new success, for the new joys, for the new desires, and new goals.  We know spring cleaning is good for our houses and garages, but do we clean ourselves out ever so often?

Change the world by growing yourself closer to God.  As you grow closer to him, you will find Him calling you to give up the old to gain the new.  You will find him calling you to new places and new things of which you never thought yourself capable.  He will make you capable.  He will make you new.  Then He will equip you to go change the world.

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