Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Announcements from 2-5

Pastoral Vote - A Local Church Conference will be held on Sunday, February 12th after Morning Worship service to conduct a pastoral vote.  The vote will be for a four year/extended call.  All members are encouraged to attend.  Absentee ballots are available if needed and if the individual is eligible to receive one.

Men's Prayer Breakfast - Next Sunday, February 12th at 8:30 am

Open Arms Food Pantry - As more people seek help from the Food Pantry, it is extremely important that we maintain a sufficient level of non-perishable canned food.  There is a receptacle in the foyer for these items to be placed and a list of items most needed on the table.  If you find it more convenient to give a monetary donation, please put it in an offering envelope and mark it "Food Pantry" or give your donation to Janie Carter

Valentine Feast- Plan on joining us on Saturday, February 11th at 5:00pm - 7:00pm for a time of fun, fellowship, and great food.  Cost $8 per person.  Sign-up on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Reach Out with a Rose - The SRWC Children are making Duct Tape Roses to raise funds for a missions project.  The Duct Tape Roses are $2 each.  I fyou wish to place an order or have any questions, please see Patty Franklin or Karen Abofarraj

"Tell Your Story" - Would you be willing to share your story of when you came to Christ and a little bit about your spiritual journey?  There are sheets on the table outside the Nursery for you to take and tell us about the time when you were "Born Again" or a powerful move of God in your life.  These stories will be compiled and put into a booklet.  Give your Spiritual Journey stories to Andrea Ward.

Church Website -  If your class or group had anything on the church website, please resubmit that information in writing to Pastor Drew or Andrea.  The new church website is under construction.  You can check out the preliminary work at

You're Invited -  You are all cordially invited to Ben Ward's birthday party.  It will be held in the church fellowship hall on February 18th from 2-4pm.

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