Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our Ways or God's Ways

September 1, 2013
Our Ways or God's Ways
Isaiah 55
Scott Howard

Are we really following God's ways, or are we making our own plans, walking our own path?

  • The Lord is saying through the prophet Isaiah - Five times- "Come"
This is an invitation for us all.  In Isaiah chapter 53 it is talking about Jesus coming to be our salvation.  In chapter 54 God is telling us all is forgiven.  And now in chapter 55 He is inviting us to find our fulfillment and satisfaction in relationship with Him.
  • Who is this invitation extended to? "Come, everyone who thirsts..."  It's for you!  If you are searching for fulfillment, purpose, hope, joy, forgiveness; if you are brokenhearted, if you're complacent, if you are worn out, etc.
There are two types of people:
  1.  They are thirsty and they know they are thirsty.
  2. They are thirsty but they don't know it.
We may be chasing dreams, looking to other things in this world to satisfy any of our needs.  But they cannot and will not satisfy, we will always come back feeling empty.
  • Satisfaction is found at the banqueting table of the King.  Our text talks about the feast with the King.  It represents taking care of all our tastes and our needs, and we are guests that do not have to pay!  All the costs have been taken care of, through the Good News of the Gospel.
Three pictures of the Gospel; of this invitation:
  1. Water - Represents Life--in the text it is plural to imply a never ending abundance of what God provides to quench our thirst.  It is life sustaining.
  2. Milk - Represents Spiritual Milk, to strengthen our weak souls.  Just as milk to an infant has all the right ingredients to strengthen muscles, bones, and nerves, this spiritual milk gives us what we need to grow.
  3. Wine - Represents the enjoyment and delight of our God.  This is not a necessity for life or growth, it is for celebration and enjoyment. 
The three are specific to satisfy us in Life, Strength, and Joy.

Paul says, "For our sake he [God the Father] made him [Jesus Christ the Son] to be sin, who knew no sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God." --2 Corinthians 5:21

The way has been made.  This invitation which is extended to us is extended to us free of charge, right?  "Come buy without money and without price." Isaiah 55:1b

But it is still conditional.  There is still an element that must take place in our own lives, and that's the element of Surrender.  We must forsake our own ways and turn to the Lord.  It may be beyond our comprehension, but God's ways are higher than our ways.  Isaiah 55:8-11. 

In Isaiah 55:12-13, This part of the text is our future in Christ: joy and peace--no more death, no more pain, but paradise with God: everlasting joy and peace!

Let us align our ways and our paths to God's ways, and allow Him to fulfill and satisfy us completely.

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