Friday, June 21, 2013

Worship Leader: June

I really enjoy listening to praise and worship music, and one of my favorite worship songs is by Chris Tomlin, and it is called, “How Can I Keep From Singing”.  The message in this song is so powerful, because it says, even when we are going through storms or any type of trouble.  How can we stop singing His praises?  Jesus said if His people stop praising Him, the rocks will cry out!  This is one of the verses that really speaks to me:

I can sing in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
And fall down again
I can sing 'cause You pick me up
Sing 'cause You're there
I can sing 'cause You hear me, Lord
When I call to You in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
That I'll sing with the angels
And the saints around the throne

We serve an awesome God!  Just the fact that when we say His name, He gives us the peace that we need, no matter how big the problem!  This song begins, “There is an endless song, echoes in my soul.  I hear the music ring.  And though the storms may come, I am holding on.  To the Rock I cling.”  Are you clinging to the rock today?
Maybe you have had a bad week, gotten bad news from the doctor or maybe you just don’t know what to do.  Keep the endless song in your soul that Jesus loves and cares for you.  He knows our needs even before they come.  I am reminded of the words to this wonderful hymn,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.  Let the water and the blood, from that wounded side which flowed.  Be of sin a double cure.  Save from wrath and made me pure!
We have a Savior that will never leave us or forsake.  You can always depend on Him to lift you up and encourage you!  How can you keep from singing His praise?

Serving with You!

Gene Collins

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