Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Announcements 5-13

Church Yard Sale - Saturday, May 19th.  Donations are needed and may be brought in at anytime.

Help Needed! - If you would be willing to donate Baked Goods and/or items for a Hot Dog Sale for our Church Yard Sale next Saturday; please see Phyllis Howard.

Malt Shoppe Memories - Come on Saturday night, May 19th from 7-9 for a night of 50's music, homemade ice cream, popcorn, and soda floats.  This is another youth fundraiser.

FOCUS - Join us NEXT Sunday Evening at 6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall for "FOCUS".  This is a great time to discuss together, ask questions, and dig a little deeper into God's Word.  "FOCUS" helps us grow together as we talk about how to apply the Sunday AM message to our daily lives.  This is also a great time to grow closer together as a church family through the wonderful fellowship that occurs.  Light snacks will be served!

Special Love Offering - Several weeks ago, Rev. Aaron Taylor who is the pastor of Taylorsville Wesleyan Chruch lost everything he owned in a tragic fire that completely destroyed his home.  This was not the parsonage of the church, but was Pastor Taylor's own personal home.  He also did not have any insurance.  We are going to take up a special "Love Offering" for Pastor Taylor and his family on Sunday May 20th.  Please prayerfully consider how the Lord would have you help this brother in Christ who is in need.  Thank you ahead of time for your love and compassion.

Chruch Barbeque- Saturday, May 26th.  Help us spread the news!!

Congratulations to our Graduates! - We honor our graduates from Kindergarten, High School, & College on Sunday AM, May 27th.  If you know of a graduate that is a part of our church family, please give their name to Pastor Drew ASAP.

Homecoming - Our annual Homecoming will be on Sunday, June 10th.  Invite others to come and join us on this special day.

Prayer List - Beginning on Sunday, May 6th names will be rotated OFF the Prayer List each month.  If you want a name to remain on the list, please place their name in the Prayer Box.  Names may be added to the Prayer List at any time

Items needed for the Open Arms Food Pantry- The community is becoming familiar with our Open Arms Food Pantry.  March has been our busiest month.  Please remember to bring food items on a regular basis so we can continue to be a blessing to those in need.  Currently we are in need of the following items: Beef stew (can), breakfast cereal, 1 pound bag of rice, 1 pound bag of dry beans, saltine crackers and instant oatmeal.

Zumba Exercise Night- Thursday, May 17 @ 7:00 PM.

Wedding Shower - A wedding shower will be given for Derek Pulley & Amy Hawkins on May 27th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM.  Use this opportunity to show your love and support for this young couple as they begin their life's journey together.  They are registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  They are also registered at Belk and Walmart.

Vacation Bible School - Please mark your calendars for June 11th - 15th from 6pm-8pm.  We need:  Your Prayers for God to prepare the hearts of the children & workers so we'll all be ready and willing to listen as he speaks to us, that He will give us the wisdom we need as we prepare for everything, that He will provide for all our needs, and that He will be glorified as we unite to share His truth.  Your Help If you can help during VBS on any day, please let Phyllis or Patty know.  Flyers are in the foyer for you to begin giving out.  Please invite your family, friends, neighbors, and any other child you know to come.  Registration forms are available as well.

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